Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Summer Nights

               Long dayS coming to an end.

                   The hot sUn blistering my skin.

Traveling to and froM again and again.    

 Drinking freshly squeezed leMonade during hot nights.       

Might want to takE a nice swim.       

                          Long waRm nights spent at the bay.

      Ocean side, playiNg in the breezy wind.

Hearing waves crash agaInst the shore.                   

Time best spent with Good friends.               

            Looking for sea sHells when the tide is low.

Crawling into my sheeTs in the early morning. 

                    SometimeS I never want it to end.

1 comment:

  1. How cool to find your acrostic spelled out in the middle of your lines of the poem. You've included beautiful images of summer. Thanks!
