Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Lorax

One of my favorite children's books is Dr. Suess' The Lorax. It gives a lot of insight on how the choices you make affect your outcome. 
Here is a little insight on the book, just in case you haven't read it yet. The Lorax is a "shortish. And oldish. And brownish. And mossy. And he spoke with a voice that was sharpish and bossy." And he speaks for the trees. He is very possessive of his truffula trees.
Throughout the book the Onceler (the man who is chopping down all the trees to make thneeds, at which he sells) doesn't realize what harm chopping down all the trees is causing, until it is too late. The Lorax tries to warn him, but he completely ignores him. The Onceler is completely filled with regret once all the trees are chopped down.
 The most powerful line in the whole entire book is, "UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."


Rose Glory
Running through the field.
Roses here and there, everywhere!
Rose glory all around.

Poetic Purple
Poetry is color, 
color written down on paper, 
color that can be heard.

Fuchsia Flock
Flocks trotting away, 
frightened they run far away.
Flamingos so scared!

Summer Nights

               Long dayS coming to an end.

                   The hot sUn blistering my skin.

Traveling to and froM again and again.    

 Drinking freshly squeezed leMonade during hot nights.       

Might want to takE a nice swim.       

                          Long waRm nights spent at the bay.

      Ocean side, playiNg in the breezy wind.

Hearing waves crash agaInst the shore.                   

Time best spent with Good friends.               

            Looking for sea sHells when the tide is low.

Crawling into my sheeTs in the early morning. 

                    SometimeS I never want it to end.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

This is a picture of the yellow dish I received from my aunt one night when I was visiting her at her house, it is from one of my great-grandmother's, on my dad's side of the family.
We were sitting at her dining room table, when I spotted the dish in her cabinets and instantly freaked out.
The dish was hiding in the back of her open cabinets, behind the sea of other mismatched dishes.
Her dishes all have so much color and vibrancy.
This dish is matching the bowl set that my family brought back for me when my Great-Grandma Warden (whom is my mother’s grandma)  auctioned off her house and all of her things.
I asked them to bring me back one thing when they went to my Great-Grandma Warden’s auction, and that was a pyrex nesting bowl set.
I had wanted my own set of pyrex nesting bowls for a long time, my step-dad has a set and I fell in love with them.
Since they weren’t mine I couldn’t take them with me when I moved and that is what I wanted them for.
I use those bowls for everything in the kitchen, from mixing to storing.
They truly are the best bowls anyone could ever ask for.
When they got these bowls home they were this ugly yellow color, that resembled the color of a yellow squash.
I love yellow squash, but the color, I’m not a fan.
Pyrex calls this color “Butterfly Gold”, I call it ugly.
I think I can manage to get past the ugly “Butterfly Gold” color because,
this extremely ugly colored dish and bowl set mean the world to me.
The reason this bowl set and dish mean so much to me is because the dish came from my dad’s side of the family and the bowls from my mom’s side of the family.
Ever since I can remember my parents haven't been together, maybe for the best, maybe not.
Who cares? I sure don’t.
Ever since I was young I have jokingly said that I was born into the wrong family, for I’m nothing like anyone that is in my family.
I look like them, but we have very clashing personalities, we are so different.
My mom drives me absolutely crazy, when she comes over I’m sometimes praying that she leaves sooner rather than later.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the woman to death, but I like to love her from a distance.
It’s kinda dorky but to me these dishes symbolize that I wasn’t born into the wrong family, that I’m right where I’m supposed to be.
I know that I wasn’t actually born into the wrong family, I look too much like them to be switched at birth or something, but we are not even close to the same person.
And that’s okay!
(Update: My Great-Grandma Warden is alive and well, she just didn't need her house anymore, as she moved to an elderly folks home.)

Friday, January 15, 2016

I am From...

I am from a beautiful disaster I like to call life,
 its perfectly imperfect.
I am from finding myself through being me,
being free.
I am from being completely oblivious to all the blessings in the little things.
I am from never noticing the world around me.
I am from the love and support that has been provided my whole life.
I am from a broke childhood and growing up alone.
I am from something else always being more important,
 and never being good enough.
I'm from forgiveness,
my father broke my heart before anyone had a chance to,
 and a distant mother who doesn't know any expression. 
I am from not knowing.
I'm from no sense of gratitude or obligation.
I am from providing myself with everything I have,
all the support I will ever need,
and not depending on anyone but myself.
My life is full.
I am finally free,
I am ME.