I am from a beautiful disaster I like to call life,
its perfectly imperfect.
I am from finding myself through being me,
being free.
I am from being completely oblivious to all the blessings in the little things.
I am from never noticing the world around me.
I am from the love and support that has been provided my whole life.
I am from a broke childhood and growing up alone.
I am from something else always being more important,
and never being good enough.
I'm from forgiveness,
my father broke my heart before anyone had a chance to,
and a distant mother who doesn't know any expression.
I am from not knowing.
I'm from no sense of gratitude or obligation.
I am from providing myself with everything I have,
all the support I will ever need,
and not depending on anyone but myself.
My life is full.
I am finally free,
I am ME.